The BBC have released the first image of Peter Capaldi in the 12th Doctor's costume.
Doctor has a new look as Peter Capaldi’s era officially begins. In a
picture released today by the BBC, Capaldi can be seen in the costume that will
define his time as the Twelfth Time Lord in one of TV’s biggest roles.
Sporting a dark blue Crombie coat with red lining, dark blue trousers, a white
shirt as well as black Dr. Marten shoes, the look was created by Doctor Who
costume designer Howard Burden.
on his costume, Peter Capaldi said: “He's woven the future from the
cloth of the past. Simple, stark, and back to basics. No frills, no scarf, no
messing, just 100 per cent Rebel Time Lord.” While lead writer and
executive producer Steven Moffat added: “New Doctor, new era, and of
course new clothes. Monsters of the universe, the vacation is over - Capaldi is
suited and booted and coming to get you!”
for episode one of series 8 began earlier this month, after 10.2 million
tuned-in on Christmas Day to get their first much-anticipated glimpse of
Capaldi’s Doctor. Charlotte Moore, Controller of BBC One,
commented: "Peter Capaldi's Doctor is officially recorded in history
today with the unveiling of his new costume. It's sharp, smart and
stylish - The Twelfth Time Lord means business."
We like it. What do you think?