New CAPTAIN AMERICA ensemble posters arrive. Scarlett Johansson is Mr. tickle! - Warped Factor - Words in the Key of Geek.

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New CAPTAIN AMERICA ensemble posters arrive. Scarlett Johansson is Mr. tickle!

Earlier today four new character posters were released for Captain America: The Winter Soldier (it's out in Spring, go figure?), clearly Marvel weren't finished with their promotion for the day because they've just revealed 2 new ensemble ones as well.

One of them is above, one is below.
The one below is massive, click to embiggen! (I want that on a T-Shirt)

And here are the character ones from earlier...

I don't know what the heck is going on with Scarlett Johansson's body there, here arms look like Mr. Tickle's and her neck seems to be wider than her waist. Someone got carried away with the photoshop methinks!

Captain America: The Winter Soldier is released on March 26th in the UK.

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