Thanks for dropping by.
At Warped Factor we firmly believe that everyone is 'geekily' passionate about something, and we'd love for you to join our little community here as a guest contributor.
If you believe you're up to the challenge of creating an interesting,
thought provoking article, or fancy yourself as a television or movie reviewer, and you can write between 500 to 1500 words on the subject, then read on my friend.
We're looking for people who want to share their love for anything in the wide world of geek! If you'd like to share your views, opinions, reviews or suggestions for Doctor Who, Star Wars, 24, Sherlock, Star Trek, The Marvel Universe, Disney, The Walking Dead, Game Of Thrones, James Bond, Batman vs Superman or any other geek show, movie, game, comic etc etc. Whatever it is that you love, whether you want to contribute a one-off article or a regular column, please contact us at warpedfactor@live.com. We'd be thrilled to hear from you.
We don't like to take things too seriously round these parts, so we welcome humorous content as much as serious scribe.
Maybe you'd like to share your hopes (or fears) for Star Wars Episode VII or Doctor Who series 8, explain why you think Timothy Dalton is the best Bond, discuss exactly how you think Moriarty is alive, or maybe you'd like to join our team of reviewers and review the latest episode of Arrow, True Blood or any other geek genre show that we're currently not covering.
Perhaps you already have a Blog or record your own video reviews and would like to share with our audience, maybe you'd like to talk about why The Black Cauldron is your favourite Disney film, discuss why The Twin Dilemma deserves a second chance or why Atlantis deserved a second series (good luck with that!). Whatever you'd like to talk about, we'd like to hear from you at warpedfactor@live.com
Please understand that we do reserve the right to edit any submissions. Some articles may be held back for publication at a suitable time, but topical articles are likely to be posted sooner.
Our audience is growing by the day. We'd love for you to become a contributor (regular or one-off) and join our happy little team of Warped Factor minions.
We hope to hear from you at warpedfactor@live.com
Warped Factor