ARROW spoiler - Who's that setting fire to the streets of Starling City? - Warped Factor - Words in the Key of Geek.

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ARROW spoiler - Who's that setting fire to the streets of Starling City?

The second season of Arrow is almost all in the can, filming is underway right now in Vancouver, Canada on episode 22. It's entitled Streets Of Fire, and you're never gonna guess who is setting the streets of Starling City on fire.

Go on, guess? Give it a try......

Before we get to that reveal, Streets Of Fire will be the penultimate episode of this season. Last year the penultimate episode was entitled Darkness On The Edge Of Town. What's with the Bruce Springsteen references eh? Maybe next year we'll get to see Oliver and Felicity Dancing In The Dark!

But back to business. Thanks to the good people at Canadagraphs we've got this awesome picture of a whole team of Deathstrokes causing havoc, presumably doing Slade Wilson's bidding...

Well he did say he'd bring an army to Starling City, but I wasn't expecting this!
Here's an embiganable version of that picture...

Holy shizzle!!!

One other Arrow titbit for you whilst we have you here. Michael Rowe, who plays Deadshot, just posted this behind the scenes picture of himself with the rest of the Suicide Squad. It gives us our first proper look at Harley Quinn, played by Cassidy Alexa.


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