Roy Harper gets a nice new ARSENAL costume for ARROW Season 3 - Warped Factor - Words in the Key of Geek.

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Roy Harper gets a nice new ARSENAL costume for ARROW Season 3

 And you were expecting it to be a Gunner's strip?

Roy Harper (Colton Haynes) has got himself a slight costume upgrade from the red hoodie he's been sporting so far in Arrow.

Fans of the comics will know that Green Arrow's young sidekick once went by the name of Speedy. Then there was the 80s, and Roy's drug problems, and the Titans, and then he came out the other side of it all as his own man, and adopted the name Arsenal. This is how they are going on the TV show.

Roy's new Arsenal costume is set to debut in the opening episode of Arrow season 3, which debuts on The CW on August 8th.

Source: EW

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