Jurassic World Review - Warped Factor - Words in the Key of Geek.

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Jurassic World Review

How can we review Jurassic World and not compare it to the original films? Simple, ask someone who has never seen them. Tyrell Williams steps forward...

As someone of a young age who hasn't seen the original Jurassic Park trilogy, I was quite excited for Jurassic World. Of course, I have known about the previous films due to so many references in other TV shows and movies; "Objects in mirror may appear closer than they are" parodied in Toy Story 2 and basically every moment in Primeval. After watching this film, I do believe I will watch at least Jurassic Park. After I read the book. Which we do have in the house.
What I expected from Jurassic World was; dinosaurs, bad decisions and Chris Pratt. What I got from Jurassic World was exactly so. It did make me wonder though, how they thought reopening the park and creating more giant, scary, death monsters that are even more giant, scary and deadly, would be a good idea. There is clearly proof that it did not work before when the dinosaurs were tamer than they are in this film. It was pretty obvious what was going to happen. Hindsight is everything.

The dinosaurs were so detailed and certainly acted as you would expect dinosaurs to be. It was hard to believe that just from the look alone that they couldn't figure out the mysterious other creature they gene-spliced with the T-Rex to create the Big Bad antagonist, however, they did have more pressing things to worry about, I suppose.

I was really happy to discover that Jurassic World wasn't typecast with the typical white actors that you usually find in these blockbuster films, but actually contained a diverse range. Obviously we have our main man, Chris Pratt (will admit a tiny, little bit of me did watch this film purely for him) who everyone knows from Guardians of the Galaxy or the more chill Parks and Recreation, and the main female; Claire, portrayed by Bryce Dallas Howard, previously in The Help and Spider-Man 3. The boss of Jurassic World, Irfan Khan, (Life of Pi, The Amazing Spider-Man) and Raptor co-worker Omar Sy seen in X-Men: Days of Future Past. Not forgetting B.D Wong - Dr. Henry Wu - who was in the original Jurassic Park, where he played the character of the same name.

To conclude, Jurassic World is a great film for any dinosaur enthusiasts or anyone looking to see death and destruction at the hands of genetically modified nature. I would recommend to anyone whether they've seen the original trilogy or not because you don't need to have seen them to get what's going on. Besides, the characters reference the previous park many a time within this sequel. It is a great watch, with some witty jokes and a lot of dinosaurs.   
Having grown up in a dungeon it isn't any wonder that Tyrell is a little bit weird, though her mother (Gail) would say she's a big part of the occasionally wonderful too. Knowing her ranking against the world's most demanding cat, Tyrell manages to slip the manacles off to run barefoot through a world worth ranting 

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