Chaos Campus: Sorority Girls Vs Zombies #1 Review - Warped Factor - Words in the Key of Geek.

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Chaos Campus: Sorority Girls Vs Zombies #1 Review

Gail Williams fins chaos abounds in Sorority Girls vs Zombies #1...

Come on now, who doesn’t love a good Zombie-fest?

Well you’re going to get attitude by the bucket load with these swinging students.  Big boobs, smalls clothes and a stolen beer truck - we’re all there already right guys? Well why not?

The sorority sisters and fraternity brothers are having fun. Except maybe Paige Patton who’s just found out her boyfriend Roger is a cheating douche bag. Roger does little to improve the impression we get of him even when he goes out on the beer run.

So good friend Brittany (barely dressed) Miller goes to comfort poor Paige. That the comfort involves a lip lock is hardly what Paige expects, so sorority sisters aren’t destined to become scissor sisters, still it seems forgiveness abounds.

Then Roger comes back, with the beer truck and a bite. Paige finds him chewing the face off another girl - literally! And that’s where the story really gets going.  I was quite impressed there were actually books around to throw at the zombies, this is not the impression most of us get about sorority/franterity houses.

There is a lot of background in this first issue before the undead leap up to bite, as there always needs to be in first issues: the writers have to set up the characters and the situation after all. Luckily in this comic, it works. The sex and violence is ramped up but not completely gratuitous, I’ve seen worse, remember this is teenage Zombie time, so it’s all in keeping with the genre.

There’s a bit of a conversation with the creator at the back of the comic, these are things I usually avoid, but as I was flicking through the name Ellen Page caught my eye and I read on. The creator suggests in a movie, he’d cast Jewel Staite (Firefly) as Paige and I have to say I think she’s be a great choice, though I’m thinking Allison Scagliotti (Warehouse 13) would be more fitting.

If zombies are your thing, this is a good romp, hopefully that will be maintained, but only the next few issues will tell us that. Wound I recommend this? Yes, give it a go. My score, 3 out of 5 with hopes of better to come.

Find out more about Chaos Campus: Sorority Girls vs Zombies on the Approbation Comics website.

Gail Williams lives in her own private dungeon populated with all the weird and the wonderful she can imagine. Some of it’s very weird, and the odd bits and pieces are a bit wonderful. Well okay, she lives in Swansea with her husband and daughter. And the world’s most demanding cat. To find out more about Gail, check out - Dare you!

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