NEW ROMANCER #6 Review - Warped Factor - Words in the Key of Geek.

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Gail Williams pops the question - is the final issue of New Romancer any good?

The final issue of New Romancer opens with Lexy facing Casanova, apparently the only thing that will stop his dastardly plan is the threat of taking a meat grinder to his dastardly mummified pecker!

Returning to the New Romantics, Lexy finds the 1980s throwbacks have disappeared in a way that decade never will, and Byron is on the roof threatening suicide. He’s also busy telling Lexy that Angel plans to have him break her heart.

What Lexy’s Dad is up to with Mata Hari would fill a book for a few shades, but who am I to deny a man his jollies.

Funnily enough, Lexy’s worries are focused on Ada as she battles to get the girls algorithms out of Incubator Inc's clutches and into a safe server. In doing so she mends the New Romantics programme and creates many a happy couple around her - including her Dad and Mata Hari. Byron is popping the question, and getting a shove in response. Then there’s Raj and Indira, not to mention Mong and Duke. So wedding bells are ringing.

At last three couples are united, but what of Lexy and Byron? Seems different paths are on the cards for them. Finally discovering his daughters solitude in the system, Byron makes the ultimate sacrifice to be with her. Finally Lexy drives off into the night.

But wait! Hark, what knocking is this from the trunk of the car. Why it’s…

Well, you’re going to have to read the comic to find out who it is.

This was a nice tie up for the final issue, all things in their right place, all happy as should be happy. Except perhaps poor Lexy on her own again. But then again it is in adversity that we see our true selves. And let’s face it, if she was married off, there would be no room for a comeback for the girl in the boots with a man in the boot.

I thoroughly enjoyed this round up. It ended as well as it should. I’ll kind of miss Lexy and Byron, but they were never meant to be really, what with being born two hundred years apart and all.

For spanning the gulf, giving some loving and a general giggle this Last of the New Romantics gets a worth four out of five.

Gail Williams lives in her own private dungeon populated with all the weird and the wonderful she can imagine. Some of it’s very weird, and the odd bits and pieces are a bit wonderful. Well okay, she lives in Swansea with her husband and daughter. And the world’s most demanding cat. To find out more about Gail, check out - Dare you!

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