Hannah explores a galaxy far, far away…
From Episode I to Episode IX, fans of Star Wars have been treated to a rich world of Jedi, the Evil Empire and the lore that surrounds the fight between good and evil. But what about the unsung heroes of the story? The droids that our protagonists partner up with or even fight against are just as important as their human counterparts. Without some of them, the efforts of our heroes would never have been successful, whether it be through the transmission of messages and plans or simply just cleaning up after them so they could focus on saving the galaxy. Without further ado, here are my top ten picks for the best droids in the galaxy.
Disclaimer: I have removed R2-D2 and C3P0 from the running, they have an unfair advantage, and we should give the other guys a chance.
10. R4-P17
Commonly referred to as Arfour, this brave little Astromech droid was paired with Jedi Master Obi-Wan until her untimely destruction during the Battle of Coruscant. She showed fierce loyalty to Obi-Wan and aided him aboard his starfighter from Kamino to Tatooine. Armed with nothing but an Electro-shock prod she was more of a defence droid than an offense droid, but I wouldn’t tell her that…
9. Droideka
These roly-poly death machines are a staple of the prequels and beyond. Armed to the teeth - the only thing that would make them more deadly to be honest – these guys roll in packs at speeds of up to 46 mph and will kill you before you even realise they’re there. Droidekas also have the ability to generate a nifty deflector shield so unless you’ve got the jump on them (unlikely) you’re fresh out of luck, you won’t even have time to say your prayers…
8. BB-8
‘What?’ I hear you cry, ‘I understand you’re not including R2 and 3P0, but how can our beloved BB only rank at number 8?’ and I’m with you, if this was the top ten most adorable droids in the galaxy, BB would take the top spot for sure. He’s got an important mission and despite only being a little guy isn’t afraid to roll right into the fray to accomplish it. Unfortunately, every time I look at BB-8 all I can see is the 2010 Football World Cup ball. I don’t need to be reminded of sport and exercise when I’m sprawled on my couch escaping into the galaxy, thanks…
7. MSE-6
You know the saying. ‘The early bird catches the worm, but the second Mouse Droid hides around the corner whilst his friend gets the cheese scared out of him by Chewbacca.’ These little toasters on wheels were extremely important to the Imperial forces, even escorting Storm-troopers to their assigned locations aboard the Death Star. For droids assigned ‘mundane’ tasks, these little guys sure do have a lot of personality. They beep excitedly to themselves as they work and squeak when frightened. It is the presence of droids such as these that show just how rich the world-building in this series is…
6. GNK Power Droid
A cheer erupted through the cinema screen I was in when the GNK power droid returned in Episode VII. These lumbering primitive droids are a fan-favourite, purely because they are lumbering and primitive. Along with the normal beeping and whistling, these guys let out a series of low honks, earning them the nickname of Gonk droids. Whilst normally used in everyday life to recharge vehicles and machinery they have been weaponized on several occasions, most notably by the Rebel Alliance. There are also talks of a GNK-led religious fringe group…
5. IG-11
This Bounty Hunter turned Babysitter is part of the reason Grogu may have a chance to fulfil his destiny. Whilst originally sent by the Bounty Hunter’s guild to find and return baby Yoda, he soon teams up with our titular Mandalorian after being repurposed into a nurse-maid droid. His heroic sacrifice when pinned down by Imperial Forces is the only reason our heroes make it off Nevarro alive. This sacrifice is actually quite underwhelming, however, when you consider how keen he had been to self-destruct prior to these events…
4. BD-1
This little exploration droid once accompanied Jedi Master Eno Cordova, but in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order we see him befriend our protagonist Cal Kestis. Resembling Nintendo’s R.O.B the robot - if R.O.B had no arms and two legs - this little guy is super useful throughout our journey in this videogame. Not only is he our only way of healing in-game, he’s also sometimes our only way of traversing the planets we come across in our journey to restore the Jedi Order. In fact, BD-1 should have been the protagonist of this story, Cal Kestis is kind of useless without him…
3. L3-37
Say what you want about Solo: A Star Wars Story, but without it we wouldn’t have been introduced to the spunky ‘Vuffi’. Acting as a pilot droid for Lando Calrissian, this self-aware, self-improved droid is a huge advocate for droid rights. It was her absolute conviction in her belief that led to the droid uprising of Kessel. Her ability to interface with The Millennium Falcon is the reason for this ship’s renown and her later assimilation with the Falcon makes for the coolest throwback to C3P0’s line in Episode V about the Falcon’s ‘peculiar dialect’…
2. K-2SO
Companion of Cassian Andor, this hulking bi-pedal droid is the epitome of efficiency. Able to do anything a human can, and some things they can’t, it is clear that K-2SO should realistically be a walking, talking, killing machine. However, due to his reprogramming, his self-awareness means that he’s not going to follow your stupid orders, especially not if he can make a scathing remark about them instead. Whilst it’s not uncommon for reprogrammed droids to have a certain level of sass, (see L3-37 above) very few are quite as sarcastic as Kaytoo…
1. D-0
Surprise! I lied! It was a cuteness contest all along, and little D-0 is the winner. Resembling the Pixar lamp, this stuttering bundle of joy found a place in my heart as soon as he declined to be touched by Rey with a simple ‘no, thank you’. Watching him imprint on BB-8 and run laps around him after having his wheel squeak ‘eliminated’ was quite possibly the happiest I’ve been in the entirety of the new trilogy. He also has the information that ultimately leads to the Resistance’s success, so he’s not just cute, he’s also the best little boy in the galaxy. This is the hill I will die on…
Preferring the company of fictional characters to living, breathing
people; it should come as no surprise that Hannah is a connoisseur of
all things geek. Whilst their body resides in the capital of Wales,
their heart resides in Middle-Earth and their mind remains firmly lodged
in the memory of that embarrassing thing they did when they were eight.
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# Droids
# Feature
# Hannah Buttery
# Movies
# Rogue One
# Solo
# Star Wars
# The Mandalorian
# TV
Hannah Buttery,
Rogue One,
Star Wars,
The Mandalorian,
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