The Greatest STAR TREK Mixtape Ever! Side B - Warped Factor - Words in the Key of Geek.

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The Greatest STAR TREK Mixtape Ever! Side B

Wil flips over the cassette for more of his Star Trek themed mixtape.

Side B
Track 1: We get this side underway with a moment of emotion. It's a more reserved and relaxed experience. Let the feels wash over you as Jean-Luc Picard performs the Inner Light flute solo. Magnificent...

Track 2: The music of The Beatles was well represented on Side A, but the crew of Voyager were nowhere to be seen. So let's have one of them performing an absolute classic from the Fab Four. Tim Russ gives a live rendition of Let It Be...

Track 3: Returning to the original series, and an encore performance from Leonard Nimoy, reciting his Spock Thoughts...

Track 4: Right, we're going to kick back up a gear with Uhura, aka Nichelle Nichols, performing the Joe McCoy classic Why Don't You Do Right?

Track 5: Sticking with the 60s theme and adding a dash of Space Lounge, we have an instrumental track from Leonard Nimoy's classic album Music From Outer Space. Music To Watch Space Girls By...

Track 6: And we return to Voyager for a duet between the Doctor and Seven of Nine. You Are My Sunshine...

Track 7: It's back to back Shat with two blinding performances. Seriously, you are in for a treat here. First up, from his critically acclaimed album Has Been, he delivers Common People in a way only William Shatner could...

Track 8: The Shat attack continues with possibly the greatest ever cover of Bohemian Rhapsody. Trust me, if you've never listened to this before stick with it all the way through to the end, you're welcome...

Track 9: As we near the end of the greatest Star Trek mixtape ever it's time for a plea for all the Red Shirts out there. Performed by the Enterprise Blues Band, it's Red Shirt Boogie Blues...

Track 10: And we're just about done, so to finish us off it's the End Theme from Star Trek: The Motion Picture. A tune which would be re-used as the main title theme for The Next Generation...

....but wait, there's more!

I always liked to include a hidden track on every mixtape I knocked up. Leave a couple of minutes of silence and then BAM, hit them with something they really aren't expecting. So to really really finish off the greatest Star Trek mixtape ever, here is the Star Trek theme tune including the original lyrics written by Gene Roddenberry...

Beyond the rim of the star-light,
My love is wand'ring in star-flight
I know he'll find in star-clustered reaches
Love, strange love a star woman teaches.
I know his journey ends never
His star trek will go on forever.
But tell him while he wanders his starry sea
Remember, remember me
"Remember, remember me" What a perfect sentiment to finish upon. The Greatest Star Trek Mixtape Ever! is ready to gift to a potential loved one, or maybe to a good buddy, or possibly just keep it for yourself and play it to death in the car.

Live long and prosper.

Geek. Lover. Fighter. Dwarf. Follow Wil on Twitter.

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