7 Things you might not know about THE MATRIX - Warped Factor - Words in the Key of Geek.

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7 Things you might not know about THE MATRIX

Geek Dave from TheTriviaGeeks.com takes the red pill.

1. To make The Matrix the Wachowskis requested a budget of $60 million from Warner Bros. They refused and offered them $10 million instead. The duo took that money and spent it all on the opening scene. When they showed it to Warner they were so impressed they stumped up the additional $50 million.

2. Keanu Reeves was way down the list of actors sought out to play Neo. Will Smith was first choice, but he turned it down for Wild Wild West. The actor who tends to say yes to everything, Nicholas Cage, actually turned the role down too! Along with Johnny Depp, Leonardo DiCaprio and Johnny Depp.

3. Russell Crowe was offered the role of Morpheus before Lawrence Fishburne, and both Samuel L Jackson and Sean Connery were considered for the part too.

4. The scene were Trinity meets Neo for the first time was shot in an actual S&M club in Sydney. All the extras were actual customers.

5. The scene with the woman in red features dozens of sets of real identical twins. It was cheaper to cast actual actors than create duplicate effects through editing.

6. All the action that takes place in the Matrix has a green tint to it, supposedly to give the impression of looking through one of those old green screen computer monitors.

7. Although The Matrix pioneered a lot of special effects, the government lobby shoot-out scene does not feature any CGI at all. It took a total of 10 days to film the less than 3 minute scene.

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