Here are the three movies that, for various reasons, have us worried the most...
A remake of the 1987 classic with Joel Kinnaman stepping into Peter Weller's cyborg suit. What has us worried is the new design of Robocop makes him look like a walking version of KITT from Knight Rider! It's the grill light thing. We don't like it. We keep expecting him to say "Your move, Michael". Although, to be fair, we'd quite like it if David Hasselhoff rode around on his back for 120 minutes, jumping off every once in a while to solve a crime. But we're pretty sure that's not actually the plot of the film!
We're also quite concerned that it's a PG-13. Uh-oh. The first Robocop was 18 for a reason, so we're really not sure how this will work.
One thing we have to say is that the cast looks to be excellent. Gary Oldman, Michael Keaton (more of him in everything please), Jackie Earle Haley and Samuel L Jackson are all on board. Those names, primarily Keaton's, guarantee our cinema ticket, but it will be with trepidation that we take our seats.
Robocop opens in the UK on February 7th, and February 12th in the US.
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"Do y'wanna come back to my sewer?" |
Difference of opinion here at Warped Factor Central, but a 2 to 1 majority rule means that we are officially not fans of the Michael Bay Transformers films. So with feelings that he has already taken one wonderful memory of our childhood and blown it up with a big ball of explosive nonsense, we worriedly await to see what he will do with another!
Cast wise, well we love a bit of William Fichtner in just about anything so it's good to know he's Shredder (or The Shredder as IMDB tells us!?!). Megan Fox has obviously cleared up her differences with Michael Bay as she's cast as April. The turtles will be created using CGI motion capture, just in case you were worried that the picture above was the finished thing!
We just can't get excited for this, maybe if they added a Vanilla Ice rap throwdown it might help.
But then again, probably not
In the absence of a trailer here is a short interview with William Fichtner explaining what attracted him to the role of Shredder...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles opens October 17th in the UK, 2 months after the US release!
Jack Ryan : Shadow Recruit
Please. Don't. Suck!
Fact : As of today there has never been a bad Jack Ryan movie. We want that fact to remain true this time next month. We are huge fans of the Tom Clancy character and have high expectations for this reboot. Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford and Ben Affleck all did a fine job as Jack Ryan, so Chris Pine has some big shoes to fill.
Our initial worries were that he was too young. The poster above looks brilliant but the picture of Pine didn't help, he looks about 12, kinda Justin Bieber like! Hell no!!!
Then we thought they might be going for a kind of Bond reboot, like they did with Casino Royale. Everyone remembers the uproar when Daniel Craig was cast, a blonde Bond! Not on my watch!! But then he won us over and has proved to be magnificent. Hopefully the same will be true here.
The rest of the cast is first rate. The prepubescent looking Pine is joined by lots of people with names begining with K, including Kevin Costner, Keira Knightly and Kenneth Branagh. Branagh also directs.
We've mixed feelings about the trailer...
That Bond Casino Royale comparison roles over into the trailer, a bathroom kill? Hmmm?
Releasing this in January seems a tad strange for this type of film, we hope Paramount haven't scheduled it for this time because it sucks.
Please. Don't. Suck!
Jack Ryan : Shadow Recruit opens January 24th in the UK and one week earlier Stateside.
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