Recently we bought you some of the finest Peter Capaldi memes the internet had to offer. One of them was this quite brilliant picture of him performing Greased Lightning...
That led us to discover the spectacular Mike's Star Art page on Facebook and we found out that the Capaldi image above was in no way a one off. Mike's been drawing portraits since 1998, and this led onto photo manipulations and digitally drawn cartoons.
Mike's not a professional artist, this is just his hobby but we all think it's some of the finest Doctor Who fan-art we've seen. I don't know about you but I think the Doctor Gru image at the top of the page is superb, I'd have that as a poster on the wall.
As well as being very talented, he's also got a wicked-good sense of humour, we like that a lot! Take a look at just a small selection below and head on over to Mike's Star Art page on Facebook to take a look at hundreds more.
Many of Mike's colored pencil portraits have been autographed in person by the celebrity in the picture...
I would so pay to see that film, and I'd buy this album...
Warning : Your head's about to start spinning...
Mike doesn't just create Doctor Who art, there are images from The Hobbit, Star Trek, Farscape and others. We assure you it's well worth a look.
Mike's Star Art