On Tuesday Peter Capaldi and Jenna Colman recorded a scene for Doctor Who on the streets of Cardiff. In the scene Clara gets a phone call and we now know who it was from.
If you don't want to know then do not read on after the picture of Captain Jack on a bomb!
Clara takes a phone call from the 11th Doctor, Matt Smith!
We'd heard a rumour some time back that he'd recorded a scene to be used in season 8 and it looks like this is it. He's calling to reassure Clara that the man in front of him is still the same Doctor she knows even though he looks and acts differently.
A snippet of Matt Smith's dialogue was overheard, apparently he's calling from Trenzalore.
The 11th and 12th Doctors talk to each other on the phone at one time. Peter Capaldi was heard saying "is that the Doctor?".
We think this fits in with The Time Of The Doctor, there is a short scene at around 56 minutes in when Clara replaces the TARDIS telephone, it was off the hook! The Doctor could have called her after coming down from the Clock Tower and before regenerating...
Sounds great doesn't it?
Roll on season 8.
Thanks to Caylor and Adam Levy.
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