Sherlock is most definitely back, and there was a lot to like in last nights episode. Here are a few of our favourite moments from The Empty Hearse...
Forget all that sherlocklives hashtag malarkey, we want to start #moriartylives. After blowing his brains out we weren't expecting to see Andrew Scott again so that was a great surprise, even if it is just in flashbacks. For now!?!
This 'Empty Hearse Club' possible solution featuring the Sherlock puppet and sniggering boys on a rooftop was our personal favourite, but a close second was...
There were 13 possible scenarios for how Sherlock faked his death. Was Derren Brown involved in one of them? Probably not, but it was a nice touch from Moffat & Gatiss to include him.
Next up, reunited (and it feels so good?)...
Martin Freeman's face said more than any script could've. Bravo fella. BAFTA's all round.
"I don't shave for Sherlock Holmes!",
"You should get that on a t-shirt."
So we did...
Available at all good stockists.
Watching Sherlock and Mycroft playing 'Operation' and then trying to out sleuth each other was brilliant. It portrayed them much more brotherly than we've seen before.
And then the parents turned up...
The actual parents that is. Benedict Cumberbatch's Mum & Dad playing Sherlock's Mum & Dad. This show really is a family affair!
The best nod to the Conan Doyle stories in this episode took place at Watson's surgery. A patient produces three rather strange items of 'literature' from a carrier bag. Watson then thinks this must be Holmes in disguise and tries to pull off his beard. It was not Sherlock!
In the original Doyle novel 'The Empty House', Sherlock returns disguised as an elderly man who collects rare books. Of the three books he is carrying, one of them is on British birds. The feathered kind that is.
Molly's new boyfriend! She's clearly moved on.
But it wasn't the Sherlock doppelganger she's dating that was so great about this scene, it's Martin Freeman's face again. Think back a decade to when Freeman was Tim from The Office, he'd regularly steal the scene with his looks to camera, it was nice to see he's still got it.
One more thing we liked, it's not from the episode but this appeared on the floor outside St Bartholomew's Hospital, London yesterday...
We wonder if up on the roof there is a similar one with #moriartylives on it?
Overall, a great return from all involved. The plot wasn't the strongest but it still sits up there in the top 1% of television on our screens right now.
Roll on Sunday night and The Sign Of Three.