Could we see J. Jonah Jameson in The Amazing Spiderman 3? - Warped Factor - Words in the Key of Geek.

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Could we see J. Jonah Jameson in The Amazing Spiderman 3?

Could we see J. Jonah Jameson in The Amazing Spiderman 3? Director Marc Webb thinks so.

By Brad Wilson

During a Google+ hangout Monday, the cast of The Amazing Spider-Man 2, out May 2, spent nearly a half hour talking about the upcoming film.

Taking part were Spider-Man himself, Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone (Gwen Stacy), Jamie Foxx (Electro), Dane DeHaan (Harry Osborne), and Director Marc Webb.

There were a few special guests invited to ask questions, most notably 10-year-old Robby, which many of you in the United States may know as Kid President. There were a few questions answered from social media: How long did it take for Foxx and DeHaan to get into their make-up/costumes each day? What was the funniest thing that happened on set? What would your super power be?

But probably the best question of the entire hangout was asked by so called “super fan” of the web slinger, from Manchester, U.K. He asked Webb “When can we possibly expect to see J. Jonah Jameson himself?”

For any of you who saw the original Sam Rami/Tobey MaGuire Spider-Man films, the popular Daily Bugle Editor was masterfully played by actor J.K Simmons. And according to Webb, it was easier to recast the mask-wearing web slinger, than the mustache wielding word-slinger.

"I like the idea very much of him coming up in the next film,” Webb said. “It was more easy to accept a new Spider-Man than somebody who could out do J.K. Simmons in that role, he is so iconic. That's something we've really talked about. Obviously I love that character because he poses such an interesting dilemma for Spider-Man. The answer is I don't know, but I think you can expect to see him in the future."

Jameson is one of the most iconic characters in comic books. It certainly would be great to see the him back on the big screen. Rumor has it we’re already going to be introduced to Mary Jane in TAS3, reportedly played by “Divergent” star Shailene Woodley. So, it stands to reason we would also see the arrival of Jameson.

You can watch the entire Google+ hangout in the video below.

Brad Wilson lives in Southwest Florida where he writes every day at his job as TV news producer at WINK News. He doesn’t have a blog up yet, but it’s coming. In the meantime you can follow him on Twitter @bradwilson86.

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