Amazing fan-made DOCTOR WHO trailer! - Warped Factor - Words in the Key of Geek.

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Amazing fan-made DOCTOR WHO trailer!

So we had the official BBC teaser trailer a few days back, and as exciting as it was many people were upset that it barely offered a glimpse of Peter Capaldi as the Doctor. Well, if you were one of those people, you won't have a problem with this one!

The very talented video editor John Smith, who bought us the amazing WhoLock mash-up last December, has released a breathtaking Doctor Who series 8 trailer which you just have to watch...

Now just think about this - outside of the few seconds of madness at the end of The Time Of The Doctor, we've had no official footage of Peter Capaldi as the Doctor yet, so John Smith had to create all of this from scratch. The shot of Capaldi opening the TARDIS doors and walking calmly out into the rain is pretty phenomenal. I know you want to watch that again, right?

Isn't technology marvellous?

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