It's the first teaser poster for..... BANANAMAN !!! - Warped Factor - Words in the Key of Geek.

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It's the first teaser poster for..... BANANAMAN !!!

Better go back to your bat-cave Batman, because there's a new hero in to town. The legend that is Bananaman, and his alter-ego Eirc Wimp, are making a triumphant return in a big screen Bananaman movie coming next year. The first teaser poster for which is above.

You may well remember Bananaman from The Dandy, The Beano and the TV show from the early 80s. When Eric Wimp, an ordinary schoolboy living at 29 Acacia Road, eats a banana he transforms into Bananaman. His superpowers include the ability to fly and the strength of "twenty big men". Need to jog your memory...

All I can hope is that it's better than Postman Pat. Which, let's face it, won't be difficult!

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