Change, my dear.... - Warped Factor - Words in the Key of Geek.

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Change, my dear....

You look great. Have you done something with your hair? Whatever it is, it's working!

So, you might have noticed that we've had a bit of a makeover ourselves. Hopefully, you'll like the new look and adjust to it quickly. It should make it easier to find the various different categories of articles on the site, plus everything should also load a lot quicker.

As you scroll down the main index page you'll now see the most recent articles on the left near the top, followed by separate sections for recent posts from all our main categories; TV, Movies, Reviews and other popular article labels.

If you want to check everything out then just use the menu bar near the top, under the logo...

Click on 'All Articles' for all articles (duh!). Some of the other choices have sub-menus, for instance if you click on 'Movies' you'll see all our movie posts, but if you hover over 'Movies' a sub-menu will appear giving you a choice of popular movie labels (Star Wars, Trailers, etc).

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We always value your feedback so why not let us know what you think in the comments below. Hopefully we've ironed out all of the glitches, but if you encounter any errors or compatibility problems then e-mail us at so we can take care of it.

Warped Factor

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