Listen, Peter Capaldi's fourth episode of Doctor Who has just finished in the UK, so what did you think?
We gave you our glowing spoiler-free review and could not praise the episode enough, going as far as saying -
Not only do we likely have the best episode of the series (it's going to be hard to beat), but we also have one of the greatest Doctor Who episodes of all time.A statement I fully agree with. Did it live up to the hype for you?
But over the last few days I've read some conflicting reviews, mainly from people who had a problem with the scene near the end between Clara and the young Doctor, and Steven Moffat's tinkering with the shows mythology. That didn't bother me one bit, I thought it was brilliantly done and was the icing on the cake in an amazingly strong adventure.
But enough from me. Tell us what you thought about Listen, Peter Capaldi, Danny/Orson Pink and that scene in the comments below...