Over the years there have been some strange McDonald's Happy Meal tie-in's but this one for The Waling Dead might just be the strangest yet. But then it is the highest rated show on TV, apparently families sit down together to watch, and it's never too early to teach your kids how to survive the zombie apocalypse. Taking all that in to account I suppose this was only a matter of time.
Of course, the best thing about the Happy Meal is the toy. You can choose from Daryl, Rick, Carl, the Governor, a decapitated Hershal, some walkers, a barn to keep your 'dead' in and this rather nice Michone set...
Did I fool ya?
Clearly this isn't a real McDonald's Happy Meal (more's the pity) but the work of the brilliant Newt Clements who has one of the best Pintrest boards which you should be following. As well as The Walking Dead, Newt has produced dozens of these cool looking spoof Happy Meal boxes featuring many of your favourite geeky TV shows and movies. Here are just a very small selection of our favourites - especially loving the Breaking Bad one complete with blue meth, and the retro V box - check them out below...
If these were real then I would likely be 25 stone!
But happy. Very happy.