THE FLASH Season 1 Episode 10 Review: Revenge Of The Rogues - Warped Factor - Words in the Key of Geek.

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THE FLASH Season 1 Episode 10 Review: Revenge Of The Rogues

The Flash is back! Patrick Delaney checks out Revenge Of The Rogues.

We are back baby! Kicking off with a villain team up between Captain Cold and Heat Wave. This series started with very generic villains which was a bit of a weakness for the Flash, but once Captain Cold was introduced, things started to get interesting. I am happy to say that this trend continues and Heat Wave plays off of the Captain nicely. The interplay between the rogues is what makes this team so much fun on the comic page. They are always fighting and trying to get ahead, but none of them would stand a chance against the Flash on their own, so an unlikely bond of super villains is formed. The show keeps true to the spirit of the rogues as they are not evil or trying to destroy the world.... they just want to steal shit. I know right? That's not sooo bad.

Okay, fine they're bad guys! But I can't help it, I have always rooted for the rogues. The actors do a great job establishing voices for the villains, because traditionally they could depend on colorful costumes and personas. I know we are trying to keep things dark a gritty like Batman and Arrow, but I can't help but want the rogues to be a bit brighter. Maybe the whole show would benefit from a tonal shift if I'm being honest. Flash is a great show but I just want it to stand out a bit more from Arrow. We got a tease of this with the mid season finally, with the Reverse Flash and Firestorm. Can I just say that Cisco is totally growing on me? I hated that guy in the pilot, but now I find him hilarious - although I'm not sure if he's getting funnier or if I'm getting stupider! The supporting cast has been fantastic and I'm just glad the villains are stepping up their game.

What about the man himself? Can't review a show called the Flash without talking about the cranberry streak! I know it's the crimson streak, but come on... that suite is cranberry...I know cranberry when I see it. That is my only real gripe with the Flash because I think Grant Gustin is a terrific Barry Allen. He didn't get a lot of screen time in this latest episode as we focused more on the rogues to build their plot, but Barry is always fun when he is on screen. I think it's the optimism in his domineer that sets the Flash apart from other superhero movies or TV shows. Though I am a little over the whole Iris crush thing, but that's not the shows fault, as Barry has had a crush on her for 20 years in the comics. Seriously, she's just not that into you. On the bright side, I am also glad that we are out of the "learning your powers" phase so we can move to "become a badass and wreck shop"....phase. The graphics have been a little low budget (it is TV), but they are used in such a way that they feel interesting, and we see that in the beginning of the episode when Flash challenges himself with flying laser wielding robots.

This was a solid episode of The Flash and I was surprised how much I missed it when it was away. I was a little disappointed that we didn't get right back into the Reverse Flash, I know that will be a story arc that will play out over the second half of the season... but I'm impatient! We do get a nice tease at the end as to who will be joining the rogues as the team continues to grow. I will not spoil it because for those of you who don't read comics, there are a few future villains already lurking in the shows supporting cast...but who? I'll never tell ...wahahahah...*cough* where was I?

Anyway, I am looking forward to the rogues growing their criminal enterprise and coming to a head against the fastest man alive...

...wait ... second fastest!

Patrick Delaney is a nerd baptized in the flames of Dungeons and Dragons, who would grow up reading comic books, and watching Star Wars like it was the only three movies ever made.. this nerd would one day share his opinions .. on the internet. God save us all ... and follow up on twitter .. @x_fenderx

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