They're Bad To Be Good - 13 COINS #5 Review - Warped Factor - Words in the Key of Geek.

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They're Bad To Be Good - 13 COINS #5 Review

Gail Williams checks out issue 5 of 13 Coins...

In a tale of good verses evil, sometimes it’s difficult to tell who are the good guys and who are the bad guys. Black hats mean nothing, and no one wears white hats. The fact that the cover of 13 Coins #5 includes some inverted crosses makes you wonder more. Most people automatically assume that this is a sign of Satanism, but that’s not entirely true. This form of cross is actually called a Petrine Cross, or the Cross of St Peter. The legend being that St Peter requested to be crucified this way as he was unworthy to be crucified the same way Christ was. So it is in fact a Christian symbol.

Lecture over, my point is, what you see isn’t always what you think it is.

Now I love a bit of gore me, but putting a whacking great nail in someone’s tear duct turns my patella to jelly.  That happens on page 5.  In close up. < Shudders. >

In this edition our hero John Pozner comes into his birthright, through the eye to the pineal glade.  I’m no doctor but I Googled it, and I’m pretty sure to get to the pineal gland through the eye, you’d have to drive the spike through the cerebrum and thereby kill the person, at least lobotomise them, but this is a comic book, never mind facts.

Anyway, driving a spike into the eye, its not nice, it’s not pretty, but the result is impressive and interestingly mixed. Is John an Angel or a Devil?

The sub-story of Private First Class Manny Hernandez and the little girl adds an interesting twist.  Loved the mess on her shoulder, the optical remains from the cavernous skill.

Then right at the end of the comic, is an incredibly beautiful painting of LaRue with the appropriate strap line, “There’s bad angels, then there’s badass angels”.  The final page is an overview of LaRue’s background, his Muslim faith and how he found his purpose, all interesting and rounds out the character nicely.

A good issue, and well worth reading.

Published by Titan Comics, 13 Coins #5 is released on February 18th 2015

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Gail lives in her own private dungeon populated with all the weird and the wonderful she can imagine. Some of it’s very weird, and the odd bits and pieces are a bit wonderful. Well okay, she lives in Swansea with her husband and daughter. And the world’s most demanding cat. To find out more about Gail, check out - Dare you!

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