Clearly this page is both NSFW and not suitable for the younglings.
Adventure Time
- Lump - Kid friendly replacement for Fuck!
Babylon 5
- Frag - Fuck
Battlestar Galactica
- Frak - Sometimes spelt Frack, but always meaning Fuck. Popularised by the dark and gritty Battlestar Galactica remake from a decade back, but it was first used in the original 1978 ABC Television series.
- Felgercarb - Exclusive to the original series, and meaning Crap.
- Mogadored - Buggered.
- Dren - Crap
- Eema - Arse
- Frell - Another substitute for Fuck, and one of the best.
- Hezmata - Hell
- Mivonks - Testicles
- Trel'ik - Whore
- Goram - Sometimes spelt Gorram, substitute for Goddamn.
- Rutting - Fucking
Game of Thrones
- Graddakh - Dothraki for Shit
The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
- Belgium - The foulest word that can be uttered, except on Earth, where we're too dumb to get it.
- "I seem to be having tremendous difficulty with my lifestyle" - Translated into the Vl'hurg language this is the most dreadful insult imaginable.
- Zark - Fuck
Mork and Mindy
- Shazbot - Crap
Red Dwarf
- Smeg - Generic swear term
The Smurfs
- Smurf - As the Smurfs use the word Smurf as their go to noun of choice, technically it could also be a swear word.
Star Trek
Klingon swear words...
- Baktag - Shit
- Sa'Hut - Arse
- Frinx - Shit
- Amtonâ wi-kha nvaihr - Whore
- Hnaev - Crap
- Wort - Bastard
Star Wars
- Poodoo - Crap
Stargate SG-1
- Mik'ta - Arse