Winning takes a variety of meanings for people, depending on the type of games they’re playing. Of course, there’s a natural sense of satisfaction. You don’t play to lose. That’s why more and more learning programmes are introducing a playful interface, such as Duolingo. Users get naturally lost in the gamification aspect. You improve because the mind is looking for the path to victory, which is why you can learn better.
However, the thrill of winning comes at a cost. Some interfaces rely on gamification to encourage positive behaviours. But others use the human obsession with victory to create money-making paths for their businesses. Does it mean you can’t win? Of course not. But you need to keep the thrill under control before it becomes overwhelming.
The arcade machines
Regardless of which seaside town you’re visiting, you will also come across an arcade centre. There’s something hugely appealing about arcade machines, especially when you come across an iconic design such as the 1976 Fonz by Sega. It was one of the first arcade cabinets to have a vibrating handlebar that reacts to what is happening on the screen. Admittedly, it wasn’t the only arcade machine around, and you are most likely to come across more popular games such as Pac-Man, Street Fighter, or even Space Invaders. The only problem with arcade games is that they rapidly turn into a black hole of pocket money. Most players shed up to a full pound of coins in those!
Online games & the appeal of gain
The National Lottery website tends to receive more visitors on the evening before big lottery events. However, regular visitors enjoy small online games as much as the lottery numbers. And it’s easy to understand why. Picking the right numbers feels like impossible luck. But, for some reason, unlocking bonuses in an online game feels accessible, such as Situs judi online or the Monopoly version used by the National Lottery site. You only need one lucky click, which compared to a series of winning numbers can seem more plausible. The gains can be huge or small, the excitement remains the same.
The fake free app game
Hey, it’s crazy, I’ve just downloaded this free game app and I can’t stop.
How much do free mobile games cost? You’d think they are free. But you’d be wrong. Mobile gamers spend on average $87 on in-app purchases, which is about £66. Some games, such as Game of War, have recorded huge expenditure. Players spend almost $550 (over £430) to secure all upgrades and give themselves a winning chance. Mobile games can rapidly get addictive, which is why developers focus on building their revenues from in-app purchases. For gamers, it can be a dramatically expensive hobby!
We all play to win. But the thrill of winning can lead to harmful decisions. From the “just one more coin” to the essential in-app purchase, you could find yourself winning a game at a high cost. How much are you willing to lose to win? It’s a difficult balance to establish, as games tap into our hunger for victory. The best way to keep the thrill of winning under control? Set yourself a challenge limit, how much you are ready to pay to win. It’ll make victory even sweeter!
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