7 new GAME OF THRONES posters depict the beautiful deaths. - Warped Factor - Words in the Key of Geek.

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7 new GAME OF THRONES posters depict the beautiful deaths.

Were counting down the days until Game of Thrones returns to our screens. April 6th still seems like ages away! Fortunately HBO keep giving us snippets and treats from the Seven Kingdoms, including these new pieces of artwork by Robert M Ball. Called the Beautiful Deaths, they depict classic moments from the series when one of the characters bit the dust!

HBO will be releasing one every day until season 4 starts. Here are the first 7...

"Survive the realm all over again with “Beautiful Death,” Robert Ball’s artistic interpretation of the most iconic deaths from the first three seasons of Game of Thrones. Whether by direwolf, dark magic, dragon or blade, feast your eyes on the preview below. Experience the complete episode-by-episode illustrated series and submit your own creations at BeautifulDeath.com."

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