Who doesn't love the hidden 'Easter Eggs' that are included in many DVD releases? No-one, that's who! Steven Moffat was even inspired enough by them to write one of Doctor Who's most popular stories to date, Blink.
Over the last few weeks I've been compiling a list of Easter Eggs I've found and tested myself from the discs I have. Whilst I'm sure it's by no means a complete list, it's a pretty good start. So if you know of any more then please just add them in the comments below, and maybe I can spend many more sleepless nights checking them all out!
Get ready, there are a lot of 'hidden Doctor Who logos' to find!
1. The Dalek Invasion Of Earth - Sid the Slyther
On disc 2 go down to
the talking Daleks option, press the left arrow, a hidden Doctor Who
logo appears. Press select and you'll get a clip of Sid the Slyther, a Dalek pet monster.
2. The Dalek Invasion Of Earth - Sid's Date
Also on disc 2, go to the second main menu, go down to the photo gallery option, press left arrow for another hidden Doctor Who logo. Press select and you'll get a clip called Sid's Date.
3. The Tomb Of The Cybermen - Clean Second Doctor Title Sequence
On the main menu highlight Play All. Now press the up arrow and the Doctor Who logo at the top left
of the main menu page becomes illuminated. Press OK to watch the 'clean' Second Doctor opening title sequence.
4. The Tomb Of The Cybermen - VidFIRE Test Footage
Another one from Tomb. Do the same as above so the Doctor Who logo is illuminated, then press right and a Cyber logo will appear on one of the pictures. Press left until the Cyber logo is over the image of the Second Doctor. Press OK to watch some test footage of the
Doctor and Victoria in the main control room.
5. The Tomb Of The Cybermen - Audio Trailer For The Abominable Snowman
On the second special features menu page, select Audio Options, then press left to highlight the Doctor Who logo. Press OK and you can listen to an audio trailer for The
Abominable Snowmen.
6. The Mind Robber - Continuity Announcements
Highglight Episode Selection on the main
menu, press left to highlight a hidden Doctor Who logo, press OK
to watch some BBC2 continuity announcements from the 1992 repeat of the serial.
7. The War Games - On Location Audio
On the disc one main menu, go to
Subtitles, press left to highlight the Doctor Who logo. Press OK to listen to 20 minutes of behind the scenes audio from the
location filming.
8. The War Games - The Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre presents The Trial Of Doctor Who
On disc two, go to Subtitles, go down to
Info Text On, press right to highlight a hidden logo. Press OK
to watch the Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre’s re-inact the last episode of The War Games.
9. The War Games - Force Field Film Footage
On the disc three main menu, go to
Subtitles, press left to highlight the Doctor Who logo. Press OK to watch the film footage of the force field effect seen in
Episode 10 of The War Games.
10. Spearhead From Space - Unused Third Doctor Titles
10. Spearhead From Space - Unused Third Doctor Titles
On the main menu highlight Play All, press left and the Doctor Who logo at the top
left of the main menu page becomes illuminated. Press OK to view the unused Third Doctor titles.
11. The Claws Of Axos - Reverse Standards Conversion
On disc one go to audio options on the special
features menu and press left to highlight a hidden Doctor Who logo. Press OK to watch a feature on the restoration of The Claws Of Axos.
12. Frontier In Space - Alternate Theme Music
On Disc Two, select Subtitles and then highlight Special Features, press down and the Doctor Who logo will turn green. Press Enter to see the VT Clock from Episode 5 leading into the start and end credits with the alternative Delaware theme.
On Disc Two, select Subtitles and then highlight Special Features, press down and the Doctor Who logo will turn green. Press Enter to see the VT Clock from Episode 5 leading into the start and end credits with the alternative Delaware theme.
13. Planet Of The Daleks - Alternate Opening Commentary
On Disc 2 select Multi-Colourisation, press the right arrow, a green Doctor Who logo appears. Press OK for a commentary out-take from Episode Three.
On Disc 2 select Multi-Colourisation, press the right arrow, a green Doctor Who logo appears. Press OK for a commentary out-take from Episode Three.
14. Planet Of The Daleks - Continuity Announcement and Advert
After the end of Episode 6 leave the disc running
to see a continuity announcement for The Green Death and an advert
for the Doctor Who Theme record.
15. The Green Death - Continuity Announcement Compilation
On the menu press left arrow to reveal a hidden Doctor Who logo. Press OK to watch a compilation of continuity announcements from the orginial
broadcast of The Green Death and from the BBC2 repeat.
16. The Time Warrior - Feature On Firsts in Doctor Who
Go down to Special Features, press Left, The Doctor Who Logo will turn green, press OK to watch a short feature on firsts in Doctor Who.
17. The Time Warrior - Terence Dicks Clip
On the second Special Features menu go down to Back, press left to highlight a Doctor Who logo, press OK for a short clip of
Terrance Dicks.
18. Death To The Daleks - Clean Title Sequence
Select photo gallery, press right to highlight
a hidden Doctor Who logo, press OK to watch a clean version of the
opening and closing sequences.
19. The Ark In Space - Production Slate
Go to the Episode Selection option, press up arrow when on episode one to highlight the
Doctor Who logo, press OK to see a production slate
used during the filming of this story.
20. The Ark In Space - Blackpool Doctor Who Exhibition
Go to the Special Features menu page, press
down to the Tom Baker interview option, press left to
highlight a hidden Doctor Who logo, press OK to watch a promotional film for the Blackpool Doctor Who
21. The Ark In Space - Blackpool Doctor Who Exhibition Advert
Keep watching at the end of the episode four for
an advert for the Blackpool Doctor Who exhibition.
22. Revenge Of The Cybermen - BBC Video Ident
On the Special Features menu go to Cheques, Lies and Videotape, press left to highlight a hidden Doctor Who logo, press OK to view the original BBC Video ident as used on the 1983
release of Revenge of the Cybermen.
23. Terror of the Zygons - Disney Time Clip
Last years Terror Of The Zygons DVD marked the final complete 'classic' story to be released (until the Troughton missing episodes that is), and includes 2 Easter Eggs. On disc two, go to Remembering Douglas Camfield, press left to highlight a hidden logo. Press OK for a
Disney Time clip of Tom Baker's Doctor receiving a message from the
24. Terror of the Zygons - Un-restored Recovered Scene Sequences
Similar method to above. On disc two, go to South Today, press
left to highlight the hidden logo. This time you can watch the un-restored
sequences used to produce the Director's Cut version.
25. Planet Of Evil - Hidden Hinchcliffe
25. Planet Of Evil - Hidden Hinchcliffe
On the first Special Features menu, highlight
Continuities, press left and a green Doctor Who logo appears, press OK to watch Hidden Hinchcliffe.
26. The Brain Of Morbius - A Letter To Robert Holmes
Go to the second page of special features, highlight Set Tour, press left and a Green Doctor Who logo appears, press OK to see a letter to Robert Homes.
27. The Brain Of Morbius - Facts Feature
On the episode selection page, highlight the Main Menu button, press left and a green Doctor Who logo appears, press OK for a short feature
about general facts and trivia related to The Brain of Morbius.
28. The Deadly Assassin - Trailer
Highlight the Photo Gallery option, press left
to watch the end credits for The Hand of Fear follwede by a
trailer for The Deadly Assassin.
29. The Talons Of Weng-Chiang - Clean Opening Titles
Insert Disc 2, on the second menu of extras go down to trailers and continuity, press left and a hidden Doctor Who logo appears. Press OK to watch the clean version of Fourth Doctor opening credits.
30. Destiny Of The Daleks - Countdown Timers
On the second Special Features Menu, press left on
Audio Options, a hidden Doctor Who logo appears. Press OK to watch the countdown timers used for each episode.
31. City Of Death - MkIII Jagaroth Battlecruiser
On disc two, highlight Paris in the
Springtime, press left to reveal a hidden Doctor Who logo.
Press OK to view a computer generated instruction
booklet for a newly purchased MkIII Jagaroth Battlecruiser.
31. City Of Death - Douglas Adams Interview
31. City Of Death - Douglas Adams Interview
On disc two, highlight Prehistoric Landscapes, press left to reveal a hidden
Doctor Who logo. Press OK to watch an interview with writer Douglas
32. City Of Death - Good Woolf Bad Woolf Out-take
32. City Of Death - Good Woolf Bad Woolf Out-take
On disc two again, highlight
Photo Library, press left to reveal a hidden Doctor Who logo.
Press OK to watch Good Woolf. Bad Woolf, an
out-take from the Eye On Blatchford featurette with Gabriel
33. City Of Death - Tom And John
disc two Easter Egg. Highlight Doctor Who Annual, press left to reveal a hidden Doctor Who logo. Press OK to watch a short
sketch starring Tom Baker and John Cleese.
34. City Of Death - Continuity Announcement
34. City Of Death - Continuity Announcement
One final City Of Death Easter Egg. Keep watching after the Episode Four credits
and you can see/hear the BBC continuity announcer telling you that next week it's The Creature From the Pit.
36. The Five Doctors (25th Anniversary Edition) - Alternative Commentary
On Disc 1 go to Audio Options in the Special Features menu,
go down to Companions Commentary and press right to reveal a hidden doctor who logo, press OK to hear a commentary by
David Tennant, Helen Raynor and Phil
37. The Five Doctors (25th Anniversary Edition) - BBC Video Logo
On Disc 2 highlight Nationwide, press left to reveal a hidden Doctor Who logo, press OK to watch the clip of the BBC
Logo being eaten by the Black Triangle as present on the original BBC
Video release of the Special Edition.
38. The Caves Of Androzani - Original Opening
On Disc 1 highlight episode selection, press left
on Part 1. You can then play the original opening with the wobbly
matte effect, repaired for the main feature.
39. The Two Doctors - Clean Opening And Closing
On disc 1 highlight episode selection, press left to reveal yet another hidden Doctor Who logo. Press OK to watch a clean version of the Sixth Doctor's
opening titles and closing credit sequences.
40. The Complete Third Series - Message to Sally Sparrow
Ending with that ultimate DVD Doctor Who Easter Egg. According to the episode Blink, in 2007 an Easter Egg featuring the Tenth Doctor was discovered on seventeen different DVD releases in Great Britain. So it's only right that it was also included on disc 4 of The Complete Third Series. Go in to Scene Selection and navigate through to the second page. Go to 9. Keep Looking, press up and the word Blink will be highlighted. Press OK to watch The Tenth Doctors message to Sally Sparrow.
Found anymore Doctor Who Easter Eggs? Let us know in the comments below.
Geek. Lover. Fighter. Dwarf. Follow Wil on Twitter.