GAME OF THRONES The Lion And The Rose review - Warped Factor - Words in the Key of Geek.

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GAME OF THRONES The Lion And The Rose review

Raff attends the most anticipated wedding of the year, and returns with her review of The Lion And The Rose.

I loved this episode of Game of Thrones. Admittedly, it was a bit slow, but I don’t think that was a problem because so much happened. This was one of the episodes where I wish that I hadn’t read the books first because I would have been so shocked at the end.

I still remember the “Red Wedding” from last season and screaming when Robb and Caitlyn Stark were murdered. I hadn’t read the books then, so I was not expecting it to happen. At the end of this episode, I knew what was coming, so it had less of an affect on me really.

The books
What struck me with this episode was how much it is different from the books. They seem to be picking things up all over the place from the novels. I felt like there was a larger gap between the Red Wedding and Joffrey’s wedding, and the process for Theon becoming reek seemed a lot more drawn out in the books.

This didn’t lessen my enjoyment of the episode; it has just made me wonder if they are going to catch up with the books before next season. Although, there is a lot still to come.

So, anyway, on with the review!

I was happy to see the return of Bran in this episode. He is only in it for a few minutes, but we see that he is now beyond the wall and he spends most of his time warged into his Direwolf, Summer.

I loved the perspective that they filmed the warg scene in. We see from the perspective of Summer/Bran and the imagery was amazing. Bran et al seem to be lost and Jojen and Meera seem to fear for Bran’s state of mind.

However, Bran soon finds a Weirwood and when he touches it, we were treated to him warging and seeing some very spoilery clips. Viewers, who are a bit obsessed, like me, would have noticed that some of the flashbacks also contained flashes to the future, the most notable being the Iron Throne covered in snow and a dragon flying over Kings Landing (I love Drogon, I may have mentioned that before).

As mentioned above, we see that Theon has made the transformation from Theon to Reek and he is fully under the control of Ramsey Bolton. So much so that Ramsay allows him to shave him, to make a point to his Father, Roose Bolton, about how it was the right thing to do.

Roose Bolton was going to trade Theon for Moat Cailin, but when he finds out that Bran and Rickon are alive, he sends Ramsay to take Moat Cailin, to honour his family.

Part of me feels really bad for Reek at times because he truly is broken. He can’t even make eye contact with people when he is addressed. But, then I remember how he turned on the Starks and I am back to hating him again.

Stannis Baratheon
We pick up with Stannis in Dragonstone. He is making a sacrifice to the God of Light, so Melisandre will show him the way to get the throne back. One of those sacrifices, who got burned at the stake was his own Brother in Law!

This is my least favourite storyline in Game of Thrones, mainly because Stannis is an epic fool and Melisandre is an evil witch. I am not sure where they are going with this but I hope it involves Stannis and Melisandre being used as Drogon’s dinner.

The main plot of this episode was, of course, the Lannister wedding. We learn that Jamie is going to have sword lessons with Bronn and that Tyrion breaks up with Shae and sends her across the narrow sea.

Then, we see the wedding of Joffrey and Margaery. The wedding itself seemed more like a side note and as soon as the feast started and Joffrey started to act like an evil genius, I was begging him to start eating.

Margaery and her Gran, Lady Olenna are among some of my favourite characters. Lady Olenna has an air of seeming nice but you know not to cross her. Plus, I love the way she acts towards Sansa. Margaery is very nice as well, she kept trying to turn the focus back to the celebration during Joffrey’s public humiliation of Tyrion.

It made me think was she really trying to be the bigger person, or was she trying to hurry the meal along so that Joffrey can eat the pie of death.

The main event arrived – Joffrey’s death. The choking scene itself was brutal and seemed like a really painful death, which, I’m sorry, was what he deserved. I hate him so much.

Jamie running to his nephew/incestuous son’s side was almost comical. He totally nearly fell over, and then Cersai’s downfall to epic evilness was complete, as she points her witch finger at Tyrion and blames him for Joffrey’s chocking/poisoning. As all this was happening, Lady Olenna was “comforting” Margaery and Ser Dantos was whisking Sansa away.

So, who do you think did it? Varys and Lady Olenna could have banned together with an evil (brilliant) plan to kill Joffrey. Tyrion and Sansa could have done it, because they were trying to make a run for it just before Joffrey chowed down on the death pie, but I think Tyrion is smarter than that.

Lets not forget that Oberyn was also at the wedding and he hates the Lannisters for the death of his sister and niece and nephew. So, he could have done it, but I think he would go for Tywin rather than Joffrey.

When this episode was over, it took everything in me not to jump up and sing, “Ding Dong……the King is Dead.” I am so happy he is gone but I feel sorry for poor Tommen, who will inherit the Iron Throne from his would be serial killer of a brother. We did see more of Tommen this week as he is about to become a main character of sorts.

Rating: 8/10

Check out the trailer for next week’s episode, “Breaker of Chains” below, which has the following highlights:

Joffrey’s funeral
Margaery mourning being the queen, not her evil dead husband
Daenarys war with the people of Mereen
Wildings descend on the wall

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