Is Steven Moffat heading to a galaxy far, far away?
A new report by Jedi News is linking Doctor Who and Sherlock Showrunner Steven Moffat with a future Star Wars movie. It's unknown what capacity his involvement could take, but likely it would be a writing position for either Episode IX or one of the spin-off Star Wars adventures.
Although this is clearly nothing more than rumour right now, Jedi News have been a very consistent source of information, and it's not a massive stretch of the imagination to see Moffat penning a Star Wars script.
Moffat's last big screen work was co-writing the screenplay for Steven Spielberg's 2011 movie The Adventures Of Tintin: The Secret Of The Unicorn. Right now, he's busy with finishing up Doctor Who series 8, then on to planning series 9 and the recently announced new episodes of Sherlock, so when this would fit into his schedule is anyone's guess!
Source: Jedi News
UPDATE - The wife has come to his defence!!! Sue Vertue posted this on Twitter...
Just in case you've seen rumours that #stevenmoffat is doing Star Wars - that's news to him!
— sue vertue (@suevertue) July 10, 2014
But remember, The Moff lies!