These 1980s hand drawn movie posters from Ghana are awesome! - Warped Factor - Words in the Key of Geek.

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These 1980s hand drawn movie posters from Ghana are awesome!

Back in the 1980s temporary cinemas started to appear across Ghana (thanks mainly to the home video tape phenomenon of the time) and they continue to be a popular source of entertainment to this day.

But although the 'mobile cinema' operators may have gotten their hands on a VHS or a few cans of film, they couldn't locate the movie posters needed to promote the film and attract the paying customers. So they hired artists who were often given complete freedom to paint the posters as they wanted, in many cases it's clear that some of them didn’t even watch the film beforehand, but that kind of adds to the awesomeness of them!

Check out this collection below of 1980s movie posters, I honestly think some of them are better than the originals...

Look carefully and you'll see the artist originally painted "The Spy Who Love You"

Tell me you wouldn't watch them!

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