Tom Pheby takes a look at the gossip surrounding a certain character and if they are leaving Doctor Who shortly.
We're just days away from the new Series of Doctor Who and the usual tight lips of those involved in the proceedings seem to be quivering slightly, with information dribbling out in a steady stream. Marketing exercise? Surely not, there's enough hype around Who normally so they hardly need to court more attention.
Wait a minute though - almost on cue we learn of whispers suggesting that trusty and stunning sidekick Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman) will leave the show at Christmas, or possibly at the end of the latest run. Ruddy Hell, we've just got over the shock of a new Time Lord and now this!
If this is the case, and I suspect that it is true, are we about to bump into her replacement earlier in Series 8 in a typical Moffet tease, or is someone frantically auditioning as we speak?
The Daily Mirror, who seems to have a reporter hidden inside the TARDIS, seemed confident enough to print their recent story announcing the actresses departure from the show. In reply the BBC have tried their level best to stop the gossip, but it would seem that its far too late. A BBC spokesperson made a statement that has neither confirmed or denied the rumors, just stating: “people will have to watch the series to see if she’s coming back or not.” Branding the rumors as “speculation at this time,” whilst re-iterating that they want to focus on the current series.
Coleman's star is undoubtedly on the rise and if any time was a good time to call it quits then this could be it - it's fitting to see in the new Doctor and then depart. Other rumours doing the rounds suggest that the nature of her departure is going to be "Dramatic". Although we are irritatingly none the wiser about what this means it does add a bit more excitement. Does Capaldi's darker Doctor seek revenge for Clara's demise? Surely this feisty young lass is not simply going to take up hairdressing or care for an elderly Aunt? Maybe she brings out the worst in the new Time Lord and the dramatic departure comes from within!
This is probably my own creative juices working overtime, and their parting will be something a little less vengeful, but it does work in theory with the direction the show is said to be heading.
Coleman has been a delight in the role. Although it took me a while to embrace her, it has to be noted that she has done a first class job and will be greatly missed for her intelligence and charm.
She has recently thrown extra snippets in our direction regarding the Peter Capaldi's approach to the character of the Doctor, in particular saying that Clara and the Doctor have a more turbulent and fractious relationship which brings out the control freak in Miss Oswald.
Coleman went on to say of Capaldi: “He was really bold and brave [on set],”, explaining that the Scot was inclined to rely on his own instinct often over -riding the script by sharing his thoughts as to what his Doctor would and would not do. It's certainly a bold move and a calculated risk on the actors part. In doing so there's the potential to lock horns with the show runner, Steven Moffat, but one assumes that this was part of the reason Capaldi was hired in the first place, part of a radical overhaul.
At this point, I'm starting to almost hyperventilate, it's like Moffat has been woofing the sherry and told everyone to say anything they want. Not that any of this is giving too much away of course, but with just 4 days to go before Doctor Who Series 8 begins anything is welcome, and no doubt all these weeny grains will be pondered over until we get our fix on Saturday.
Tom Pheby is a Script Writer, Poet, Blogger and junk television specialist. Half
English, half Irish and half Alsatian, Tom is well known for insisting
on being called Demetri for reasons best known to himself. A former film
abuser and telly addict who shamefully skulks around his home town
of Canterbury after dark dressed as Julie Andrews. Follow Tom on Twitter
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# Doctor Who
# Feature
# Jenna Coleman
# Peter Capaldi
# Steven Moffat
# Tom Pheby
Tom Pheby
Doctor Who,
Jenna Coleman,
Peter Capaldi,
Steven Moffat,
Tom Pheby