DOCTOR WHO: Seasons of War - A War Doctor Anthology - Warped Factor - Words in the Key of Geek.

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DOCTOR WHO: Seasons of War - A War Doctor Anthology

SEASONS OF WAR is a fiction Anthology written, entirely for charity, by a host of talented writers from all over the world (authors from England, Scotland, Wales, the United States, Canada, Australia, Israel, France, Netherlands and Northern Ireland), all coming together to tell tales from the very, very long life of that most fascinating and unknown of Doctors: The War Doctor.

Seasons Of War is a collection of short stories detailing the adventures of 'The War Doctor' as depicted by John Hurt. The Anthology will be available in ebook, paperback and in a special deluxe edition, with all proceeds going to Caudwell Children ( ) a charity which offers Family Support Services for families with children with physical and learning difficulties such as autism, epilepsy and many others.

The writers featured in the Anthlogy include: Jenny Colgan, Paul Magrs, George Mann, David McIntee, Jim Mortimore, Kate Orman, Lance Parkin, John Peel, Gary Russell, Andrew Smith and Matthew Sweet (with more to be announced).

It also features stories from a several other contributors including, we're very proud to say, one of our own Warped Factor team, Matthew Kresal.

All of the people who have contributed to this book have done so for free, with the sole intention
of raising money for the charity: Every penny from the Anthology will go to Caudwell through a JustGiving page. The Anthology is entirely for free, just as long as one donates to the charity. For those wishing to pre-order now, all you need to do is to donate at the JustGiving page,, where you'll find further information.

The Unofficial Doctor Who Charity Anthology 'Seasons Of War' is compiled and edited by Declan
May with associate editor Warren Frey, creative editor Simon A.Brett and design editor Nicholas
Hollands, and will be available in early December 2014.

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