Today In DOCTOR WHO History: July 13th - Warped Factor - Words in the Key of Geek.

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Today In DOCTOR WHO History: July 13th

It's time for Real Time...

Welcome to our daily round-up of the Doctor Who episodes which received their premiere broadcast on this day throughout the show's long history, along with anything else of note that may have taken place. You can click on any red text to read our full retrospectives/reviews for that episode, and note that all viewing figures listed are for UK broadcasts (unless otherwise stated).

July 13th
Now, here's a Who oddity for you. The first Doctor Who webcast began on July 13th 2001 (the 13th fell on a Friday that year, so make of that what you will) on, what was then, BBC Online. Titled Death Comes To Time it was eventually broadcast in 5 parts, with the remaining 4 installments not arriving until the following year, commissioned on the strength of this pilot...

Alongside Sylvester McCoy's Seventh Doctor you may have recognised Stephen Fry's dulcet tones as the Minister Of Chance.

Also on this day, the Torchwood crew and BBC Radio 4 unearth another of The Lost Files. The House Of The Dead, set before the events of Torchwood: Children Of Earth, was broadcast on July 13th 2011 at 2:15pm

We're sticking with the wireless for BBC Radio 3s broadcast of The Doctor Who Prom. Broadcast live from the Royal Albert Hall, London, on Saturday July 13th 2013 to mark the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who, and featuring appearances from the stars of the series, the concert showcased much of Murray Gold's, as well as journeying back to the early days of Doctor Who and the groundbreaking work of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop.

Join us again tomorrow for another round-up of the episodes broadcast, the spin-offs, the special events, the birthday's celebrated and anything else of note that went down on this day in Doctor Who history.

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