Fright Nights - Creepy Paddington Bear is hysterically disturbing! - Warped Factor - Words in the Key of Geek.

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Fright Nights - Creepy Paddington Bear is hysterically disturbing!

Don't you just love the internet? A few months back a new promotional image was released for the upcoming Paddington movie...

Admittedly the CGI has done half the job, as the bear from Peru already looks a little disturbing, but that still of Paddington Bear outside Buckingham Palace prompted a wave of responses from internet users who insisted he was creepy - and so someone duly obliged with a wicked bit of Photoshop malarkey. Seems he's not in to marmalade these days...

But what does the duffle-coat wearing bear get up to when he's not chowing down on royalty? Well a website popped up called Creepy Paddington to enlightens us all. Paddington 'Scare' does not look at all out of place in these classic horror movies and posters...

My personal favourite is this...

I wonder if Oliver Stone ever considered that theory?

There are dozens more reasons to be creeped out by Paddington Bear at

Source: Creepy Paddington

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