Today In DOCTOR WHO History: May 21st - Warped Factor - Words in the Key of Geek.

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Today In DOCTOR WHO History: May 21st

Young man, there's no need to feel down...

Welcome to our daily round-up of the Doctor Who episodes which received their premiere broadcast on this day throughout the show's long history, along with anything else of note that may have taken place. You can click on any red text to read our full retrospectives/reviews for that episode, and note that all viewing figures listed are for UK broadcasts (unless otherwise stated).

May 21st
On this day in 1966 5.7 million people were watching the fourth and final episode of The Gunfighters (titled The OK Corral), which is the sole classic-Who story for the day.

But wait! There's more. Flashing forward to new-Who... join in everyone...
"Are you my mummy?"
Yes, it's the Ninth Doctor's ninth episode, 2005's The Empty Child was Steven Moffat's debut Doctor Who script (not counting The Curse of Fatal Death, of course), and was watched by 7.11 million viewers. Then we go to 2011 and the Eleventh Doctor adventure The Rebel Flesh where we are joined by 7.35 million of Britain's finest.

Those two modern episodes were followed byt installments of Doctor Who Confidential, respectively titled Special Effects and Double Trouble.

Join us again tomorrow for another round-up of the episodes broadcast, the spin-offs aired, the special events, the birthday's celebrated and anything else of note that went down on this day in Doctor Who history.

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