Chaos Campus: Sorority Girls Vs Zombies #2 Review - Warped Factor - Words in the Key of Geek.

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Chaos Campus: Sorority Girls Vs Zombies #2 Review

Gail gets a thrill of a laugh out of this issue.

Read Issue #1 review here.

Well Jaime’s got her lead foot way down on the accelerator from the very start of this issue, there are zombie bits flying everywhere. Meanwhile, in the back of the stolen beer truck, Zombie Brittany is laying it on Paige again, only this time she wants to chew her face off in a whole new, flesh eating way. But hoodoo voodoo? Well Paige do, apparently.

Bringing them all to a juddering halt away from immediate danger, Jaime negotiates a truce so that the other girls don’t kill Brittany there and then, and all for no better reason than because Paige says they’re not to.

While I’m not going to ruin the rest of the story, this is where Jaime starts throwing out the ‘rules’ of horror movies, for those who get the references, try Leftler’s Laws (ST:TNG) or Scream. I enjoyed the way these rules were used n this comic, it was done to great effect, something I’ve seen fail big time in other places.

The piece de resistance has to be the appallingly mis-worded version of Thriller. So funny! And you can ask anyone who knows me, I’ve got the world’s smallest funny bone, so making me laugh takes some doing. Mind you, what does make me laugh tends to show up what a sick little bunny I am.  This is no exception.

The only thing that irritated me was the colouring of Zombie Brittany, she only goes green to the décolletage (cleavage) - mind you on Brittany that is quite an enviable expanse. And to be fair it does make sense by the end of the comic.

If zombies are your thing, Chaos Campus: Sorority Girls vs Zombies really is a great and amusing romp, and issue #2 well worth the read. Wound I recommend this? Yes, I might even stretch to sending out the cheerleaders. Give it a go. My score, 4 out of 5, the laugh made it worth the extra point, well that and the idea of Michael Jackson spinning in his grave.

Find out more about Chaos Campus: Sorority Girls vs Zombies on the Approbation Comics website.

Gail Williams lives in her own private dungeon populated with all the weird and the wonderful she can imagine. Some of it’s very weird, and the odd bits and pieces are a bit wonderful. Well okay, she lives in Swansea with her husband and daughter. And the world’s most demanding cat. To find out more about Gail, check out - Dare you!

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