MCU: 10 Things You Might Not Know About AVENGERS: ENDGAME - Warped Factor - Words in the Key of Geek.

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MCU: 10 Things You Might Not Know About AVENGERS: ENDGAME

Geek Dave check's out America's ass.

1. According to directors Joe and Anthony Russo, Robert Downey Jr. was the only actor to read the entire screenplay for Avengers: Endgame, every other actor was only given their portion of the story and dripped fed segments rather than as a whole. This was done to stop spoilers leaking out (we're looking at you Tom Holland and Mark Ruffalo) but RDJ had long known his character arc would end with this film.

Screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely had mapped out Tony Stark's death during initial planning for Captain America: Civil War, the start of phase three of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The Russo's then sought Downey's approval for Stark's arc, which was granted as all involved felt that it was...
"...the perfect retirement life, the life [Tony Stark's] been striving for... They got married, they had a kid, it was great. It's a good death. It doesn't feel like a tragedy. It feels like a heroic, finished life." 
Joe Russo added that Stark...
"...always knew he was going to die because he could never reconcile that notion in himself of not protecting the universe."

2. Talking of Joe Russo, the director has a cameo in Avengers: Endgame as the support group member who talks about going on a date for the first time after losing his male partner, marking the first time an openly gay character has been featured in the MCU.

Also in Steve Rogers support group Jim Starlin, the creator of Thanos. He is the bald man with the glasses and a goatee.

3. The only original Avenger who was notably absent from Infinity War was Hawkeye, but that wasn't originally going to be the case as the opening scene of Endgame, on Clint Barton's farm where Hawkeye is with his family before they disintegrate following Thanos' snap, was originally conceived as part of the finale of Infinity War, probably as an end credits sequence. However, the Russo Brothers moved the scene to the beginning of this movie to act as a cold opener. Joe Russo felt it was...
"...a very tragic scene to open the movie with. It's one of the few scenes in the movie that actually makes me tear up when I watch it, because I think about my own family... And then you think about what would happen to you, as a father. You'd become very self-destructive."

4. Even though Captain Marvel was released almost two months before Avengers: Endgame, Brie Larson filmed her scenes for this movie first. The scene at Avenger's Headquarters was Brie Larson's first day on set as Carol Danvers, with Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, the co-directors of Captain Marvel, present on-set during the filming of her scenes to ensure consistency of portrayal.
"We were on set with Brie for her first day of shooting in Atlanta. We saw the first time that she tried on that Captain Marvel costume. It was really exciting and just feeling the energy of bringing this new, really important character into that world, and getting a sense of where she was going to go and how important she was going to be before making our film was really, really amazing."

5. James D'Arcy reprises his role as Edwin Jarvis from the Marvel television series Agent Carter, marking the first time a character introduced in an MCU television series appears in an MCU film.

6. Avengers: Endgame reveals that Thor has become an overweight, drunken ruler of Asgard's refugees in Tønsberg, Norway. Chris Hemsworth called himself "Lebowski Thor" on set and underwent around three hours of hair and makeup for the transformation, which also required him to wear a large silicone prosthetic suit that even had skin blemishes and tonal differences which matched those of Hemsworth's own stomach

In the original screenplay Hemsworth was presented, Thor was supposed to revert to his "old chiseled self" in the middle of Endgame, after talking with his mother on Asgard, but Hemsworth successfully argued in favor of retaining Thor's new physique throughout.

7. Avengers co-creator Stan Lee has a posthumous cameo in the film, appearing digitally de-aged as a car driver in 1970. This would be his final film appearance, and a fitting movie to bow out on (even though the cameo's for his last few films were shot together a couple of years earlier, and there are potentially other unused scenes he recorded for future films), but a popular rumour/fan theory suggests that Marvel had other plans to link the entire Infinity Saga through the climax of Endgame and all Stan Lee's previous cameos.

When Steve Rogers goes back in time to replace the 6 infinity stones he stays and lives a life with Peggy Carter before returning as Old Steve to pass the Captain America torch, or shield rather. The theory suggests that Old Steve is actually the same person as Stan Lee portrayed in all his previous cameos, an aged Steve Rogers looking in on his friends across the years.

It's not as far fetched as it sounds, especially when you consider the individual cameos (for instance, in Thor: Ragnarok Stan Lee cuts Thor's hair, and then in Endgame the first thing Steve says to Thor is nice haircut. Also, his jibe in Civil War of "Tony Stank", playfully teasing his old friend), and perhaps if Stan Lee's ailing health hadn't seen him able to partake in any more filming he could've been sat on the bench during the climax of Endgame.

8. Before Tony Stark's funeral, the cast were told they would be filming a wedding scene and did not find out about the truth until they were preparing to shoot, again to stop spoilers leaking out. Joe Russo had this to say...
"They were all brought there under this pretense that they were coming for a wedding - it's kind of heartbreaking to think about now - but they all have managers, and agents, and hair and makeup, and we can't tell anybody what we're up to, because it can leak through one of a thousand sources... So they were all brought there under the pretense that they're coming for a wedding, and the day they got there and we started to dress them in the black outfits, they said, 'This is a very strange wedding.' We said, 'It's because it's actually a funeral.'"
Although not everyone was let in on the secret as Tom Holland, who plays Peter Parker / Spider-Man and is notorious online for accidentally giving spoilers away in press junkets, was never told they were filming Tony Stark's funeral and only found out at the premiere.

Throughout Endgame, and the twenty preceding Marvel Cinematic Universe features, an awful lot of CGI and green screen acting occurred to concoct scenes were multiple characters were present yet shot individually. For Tony Starks' funeral, each and every one of the actors seen on screen was present and correct, meaning that one scene may just be the most expensive day of shooting on any movie ever.

One of the actors flown in for Tony Stark's funeral was Harley Keener (Ty Simpkins). You may have spotted the teenage boy standing behind Scarlet Witch and Bucky and wondered who he was? That's Keener who played the young boy in Iron Man 3 who let Tony use his shed when he needed to repair his Iron Man suit. Although I doubt his fee was too troubling, just think how much it cost to bring together Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Don Cheadle, Paul Rudd, Brie Larson, Karen Gillan, Danai Gurira, Benedict Wong, Jon Favreau, Bradley Cooper, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jon Favreau, Tom Holland, Marissa Tomei, Benedict Cumberbatch, Benedict Wong, Evangeline Lilly, Michael Douglas, Michelle Pfieffer, Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Pom Klementieff, Karen Gillan, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Chadwick Boseman, Danai Guirira, Letitia Wright, Linda Cardellini, Elizabeth Olson, William Hurt, Colbie Smulders and Samuel L Jackson!

9. The idea of showing the autographs for the original Avengers actors in the end credits came from a chance viewing of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country by the Russo brothers. That 1991 film was also a finale for its cast.

10. Avengers: Endgame broke all records upon release. In it's first week the film made $1.2 billion worldwide, the biggest of all time and nearly double the previous record holder, which just so happened to be Avengers: Infinity War which had grossed $640.5 million in 7 days. Endgame was also the fastest film ever to eclipse the $1 billion and $1.5 billion mark, doing so in just five days and eight days respectively (less than half what it took Infinity War). It was estimated that, when adjusted for net profit, Endgame broke even just five days after its release, which is "unheard of for a major studio tentpole during its opening weekend". After 11 days of release, Endgame's earnings at the global box office passed the entire theatrical run of Infinity War and it became the fastest film ever to gross $2 billion worldwide, (beating Avatar which was the biggest grossing film of all time and had eclipsed $2 billion in 47 days). It also became only the second film to surpass the threshold of $2.5 billion, doing so in just 20 days (outpacing Avatar's record of 72 days) before surpassing Avatar's total box office return on July 22nd 2019 to become the highest-grossing film of all time with a final take of $2,797,800,564.

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