2 new trailers for 24: LIVE ANOTHER DAY episode 3 1pm-2pm - Warped Factor - Words in the Key of Geek.

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2 new trailers for 24: LIVE ANOTHER DAY episode 3 1pm-2pm

How good is it to have Jack Bauer back? Very very good that's how! It was like having an old friend drop by for a visit, albeit one who's slightly unstable and would likely shoot me in the knee if I forgot the sugar in his coffee or ate the last Pringle, but still he was a welcome addition to my living room.

From the moment 22 seconds into episode 1 when the screen did this...

...I was in nerd heaven. I missed that split screen so much.

But I won't go over the first two episodes, you can read Brad Wilson's excellent review of them here, instead let's look at what's to come on next Monday's installment because FOX have finally released two trailers for 1pm-2pm and you can check them out below...

24: Live Another Day airs Monday night at 9pm on FOX in the US and simulcast in the wee small hours of Tuesday morning in Blighty.

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