10 LEGO Sets We'd Like To See On The Shelves In 2015 - Warped Factor - Words in the Key of Geek.

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10 LEGO Sets We'd Like To See On The Shelves In 2015

Over the last year there have been some brilliantly imaginative LEGO set proposals submitted to LEGO Ideas, sets we've got behind and given our support to. Here are 10 of our favourites which we hope will make it onto the shelves in 2015.

Starting with a pair of Doctor Who LEGO set proposals that are both currently under review. Above we have Doctor Who And Companions, and below a set that just goes under the name Doctor Who. Both came about when LEGO Cuusoo (the precursor to LEGO Ideas) announced they would finally take proposals for Doctor Who sets, and both reached the 10,000 vote support needed to reach the review stage in a matter of days. Quite rightly too.

Like many of you I have the Character Building sets, but they really aren't the same quality as LEGO, and so I'd make sure I was first in line to purchase one of these if they come to fruition.

You can find out more about both sets HERE and HERE.

Another set currently under review is the X-Men: Xavier Institute For Higher Learning proposal. When closed, in the “storage” look, it remains a handsome display model, whilst also taking up a minimum footprint. However, the sides of this modular fold open along a vertical axis, creating the distinctive wings to the classic X-mansion. It's a really detailed construction (you can see more HERE), and if produced would likely not be the cheapest of LEGO sets, but we love it. And I'm already saving my pennies in hope.

Here's one that still needs your support. With Benedict Cumberbatch about to star in a big screen movie version wouldn't an amazing LEGO Doctor Strange and the Sanctum Sanctorum play set be an essential purchase? We think so. This is a brilliant project for any comic book fan, the proposal details the mini-figures which they hope to include - Doctor Strange, Namor, Hulk, Silver Surfer, Valkyrie and Aragorn. Plus Doctor Strange's assistant Wong and Spider-Woman. Check this one out HERE and show it some love.

Here's a set which recently hit the 10,000 vote threshold and will be advancing to the review stage. It's a fantastically detailed version of the Natural History Museum (you can see more images HERE). So with this one you don't have to be Ben Stiller to make the displays come to life!

Hey, you guys. Hard to believe but 2015 will be the 30th anniversary of The Goonies, and hoping to capitalise on that will be this set of The Inferno - the pirate ship featured in the movie. Again, this project has hit 10,000, which is no guarantee it will make it into stores but if it does mine will go on order straightaway! See more images, and find out more details HERE.

Another of my personal favourites, and another that still needs your support. The Aerospatiale-British Aircraft Corporation Concorde has to be one of the most famous and elegant airliners of all time. It was truly ahead of its time, and one of the only two SuperSonic Transports to enter commercial service. I always wanted to fly in Concorde, but sadly never did. I'd settle for this LEGO set. The image above depicts the Air France version, a recent update shows the plane with the BA detail, and you can find more information HERE.

With Jurassic World out in cinemas later this year who wouldn't want to revisit the original with this very nice looking LEGO Jurassic Park play set? What we have here is the famous Jurassic Park Gate, the trademark of the Jurassic Park Series. It first appeared back in 1993 when the tour cars entered the Park, a moment that is definitely one of the most iconic scenes in motion picture history, and I think this set really does it justice. Fortunately 9999 other people agreed with me, as this set hit the 10,000 review threshold just a couple of weeks back. See more images HERE.

Here's a great set to display on Halloween. It's a LEGO Spooky Cemetery. You can open Lord Dracula's tomb, watch the skeleton crawling out of its grave, fly around the church with the creepy ghosts, watch out for the Grim reaper, and finally have a dance with Frankenstein before the dawn. All treat, no tricks! Find out how to get behind this project HERE.

I'm going to finish with one final Doctor Who set, which I honestly thought would have all the support it needed by now. Alas, it's still only at around 1300, but all is not lost as there's 6 months left to help propel this one to 10,000. Please spread the word because this LEGO Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child set may just be my favourite of them all. The set includes the entrance to 76 Totter’s Lane, where the First Doctor parked his TARDIS so his granddaughter Susan could visit the local Coal Hill School to learn about the twentieth century. Her strange unworldly behaviour intrigues two of the staff members; history teacher Barbara Wright and Science teacher Ian Chesterton, who decide to visit Susan at home, only to find Susan entering the mysterious junkyard! Oh how I want to recreate that classic episode. And if you do too, find out more HERE.

Just in case you don't know about LEGO Ideas, if you 'support' a project it is not an obligation to buy the set if it ever gets produced. You're just simply letting LEGO know that you think the idea is cool and it's the kind of thing you'd like to see them make. So there's really no reason not to click that blue support button for any idea you like - you never know, that set might just make it on to the shelf and you'll be partly responsible.

That's your lot for now. One things for certain, there will be plenty more brilliant ideas presented in LEGO form throughout 2015, and we'll be keeping an eye out for the very best.

And if you're planning on submitting a cool 'geeky' themed project to LEGO Ideas, hit us up on Twitter and let us know, we'll make sure we spread the word.

Keep building.

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